Srirudram, is a hymn
devoted to lord Shiva. It is part of the Yajur Veda. Sri Rudram is in two parts.
The first part, chapter 16 of the Yajurveda, is known as Namakam because of the
repeated use of the word "Namo" in it. The second part, chapter18 of
the Yajurveda, is known as chamakam because of the repeated use of the
words"Chame".Rudram is divided into 11 sections called Anuvakas.
The tenth Anuvaka of
Chamakam consists of the following Manthras.
The Manthra is in Sanskrit is as follows:
Ekaa cha me tisrashcha
me pajncha cha me sapta cha me nava cha ma ekadasha cha metrayodasha cha me
pamchadasha cha me saptadasha cha menavadasha cha ma eka vishatishcha me
trayovishatishcha mepamchavishatishcha me saptavishatishcha me navavishatishcha
maekatrishachcha me trayastrishachcha me chatasrashcha meashhtau cha me dvaadasha
cha me shhodasha cha me vishatishcha me chaturvishatishcha me ashhtaavishatishcha
me vaatrishachcha me shhattrishachcha me chatvarishachcha
mechatushchatvaarishachcha meashhtaachatvaarishachcha mevaajashcha
prasavashchaapijashcha kratushcha suvashcha muurdhaa chavyashniyashcha
antyaayanashcha antyashcha bhauvanashchabhuvanashchaadhipatishcha
Meaning of the above Manthra ( Following meaning may be exact, but inner meaning can be different. Scholars are capable of providing the real meaning of it ) :
Let me be granted the numbers one, three, five, seven, Nine, eleven, thirteen,
fifteen, seventeen, Nineteen, twenty one, twenty three, twenty five, twenty
seven, twenty Nine, thirty one, and thirty three, and numbers four, eight,
twelve, and sixteen, twenty, twentyfour,
twenty eight, thirty two thirty six, and forty forty
four, and forty eight to ensure food and
its production, its continuity, and the urge to enjoy, the origin of all
productions, the sun, the heaven, the head of all, the infinite, the all
pervading like the sky, time and the like present at the end of total
consummation exists at the end of it on the earth as universal form, the Antaryami
the immortal, the inner ruler of every thing, the omni present and omni potent.
Even Numbers are 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,and 48. Each number explains the number of cumulative triangles in each square.
If we observe the above diagram, Middle of the square points are connected and another square is formed. The area of the new square (32 Triangles) is exactly half of the area of the square of the original square (64 Triangles). This can be continued and the shape is formed as follows:
This is the construction methodology that is followed as the roof of the Garbhalayam above the main deity inside every Hindu Temple.
Pythogorean theorem
Consider the hypotenuse of any triangle, area of the square of it is equal to area of the square of the two sides. As explained in
Even Pythogorean theorem is explained internally in the Hymn. Pictorial description is as follows:
Even Pythogorean theorem is explained internally in the Hymn. Pictorial description is as follows:
References: Rudhradhyayam
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